Liberal Party of Canada

Tuesday Debate Day – Justin Trudeau in the race for Liberal Leader

Welcome to another Tuesday Debate Day! Earlier this week Michael wrote a wonderful post discussing Political Leadership Races with a focus on our provincial and federal Liberal Parties and mentioned the Quebec Liberals as well.

This evening, in one of the poorest kept secrets of the last few weeks, Justin Trudeau officially entered the race to replace Interim Leader, Bob Rae. Historically the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) has been a virtual juggernaut on federal level since confederation. In fact, Stephane Dion & Michael Ignatieff were the first full-time Liberal Leaders who did not serve as Prime Ministers of Canada. Since the 2004 Election, the LPC has been in sharp decline going from 172 to 135 to 103 to 77 to the current 34 seats in successive elections. This can also be demonstrated by noting that since 2004 the LPC has gone from have 57% of all the seats in the House of Commons to 11% in just 7 years. Juggernaut to Have-not in just a few short years.

Today’s question: do you think Justin Trudeau can raise the sunken ship that is the Liberal Party of Canada? As a follow-up, if he cannot will anyone or is the Liberal Party of Canada on the verge of disappearing altogether?

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